March 2023

Libre - Designer Beatriz Sempere

Libre è una seduta in tondino metallico frutto dell’incontro tra la penna ispirata della designer spagnola Beatriz Sempere e l’abilità tecnica di m | artedesign.

When m | artedesign asked me for a chair in metal rod, I immediately thought about the beautiful cages of thousand colours made of this material. At the same time, I was struck by a great sadness. Wings are made to fly! I wanted to turn this thought into freedom. In this way, Libre takes the fly and begins to take shape. Elegant, light, fresh and harmonious… Happy! This is where Libre was born!


Libre is an armchair designed for outdoor use. It is inspired by the classical terrace chairs of the 60s, but it can tell beyond and make us reflect. In m | artedesign
we immediately loved the history and philosophy enclosed in the object, its soul.

Its apparently cold frame in metal rod is inspired by the suggestive metal cages where, perhaps without even knowing it, the major of us lives immersed. In this metaphor, Libre, with its wide, enveloping and comfortable shapes, embodies a profound hymn to self-determination and freedom. A flesh and light soul, as the wind that caresses the face. Harmonious and elegant as a bird that spreds its wings. Libre does not want to be a simple seat but a profound, contemporary and pure message.

The chair is made of steel rod lacquered with high-resistance polyester powders and a seductive base with four overlapping wire legs. It is available in eleven colours, including the new ones: night blue, deep green, wine red and copper brown.
It is ideal for outdoor applications, but not only. Its delicate silhouette easily adapts to both residential and contract environments, making them stimulating and unique.

"Libre is not only a chair but a pure, true and contemporary concept.
A shout for freedom. Strength to desire and dare to free ourselves from the cages and schemes of the ordinary. 

An object that takes shapes from the feelings, from the abstraction of a metal cage that sublimates in wings of poetry, thirst for infinite and profound beauty.A simple step from matter to concept, like a flapping of wings. Like a breath. Like a sigh.Libre is metaphor and dream, as only who dream can fly."
-Beatriz Sempere 

